Phil, Micah and myself were sitting around having a night cap last Sunday after gorging ourselves at Hooter's thinking about stuff we could do for the remaining portion of this summer. The idea for the traveling mixer party just sort of came together after only about 20 minutes of talking and we quickly expanded upon it.
The idea was that we meet up and travel around to each other's houses and each person would have a different liquor base with which to mix drinks. And hats. Everyone had to wear a funky hat that we would switch with someone everytime we went to the next place. We also got a signbook to write things in at each person's apartment. It was a simple idea that worked really well and everyone in attendance seemed to have a blast.
Basically the plan came together as we made a facebook event and spent the week hammering out particulars. It turned out that we would start at 4pm on Saturday at Phil's house for Rum based drinks, move onto Glen's place for Gin base, then onto Dave's new place for Vodka base. After we did that, we ran over to Gangnam and grabbed some food after which we went over to George's pad for Whiskey base. George's was probably the most dangerous since he set up this cool little shot game which was similiar to "Quarters". Glen had to drink a ton shots. After George's we went all the way across the city to my place for Tequila base where I made Long Island Ice Teas with the spoils of war I had collected at each house. Finally we went out clubbing.
It was a great night and I hope we can put something big like this together again sometime before the summer ends. Maybe a camping/rafting trip.
If you would like to read some of the quotes from the signbook, head over to George's Musings over Makkoli blog where he has some of the choicest quotes up.
So without further ado, the pictures:
This was the first group photo at Phil's place. From the left we have: Glen, George, Brooks, Gowoon, Me, Dave, Micah, Claire, Shandi, Yena, Lucas, and Phil

This is at the second spot, Glen's house.

The third group photo at Dave's new pad.

The 4th spot was at George's house but we needed to first take a picture of the hats we wore at the chicken spot.

The official George's house photo. Some of us were pretty tipsy by this point.

Only some of us made it to my place for the 6th group photo but it was fun nonetheless.

Here we are making asses of ourselves at Club Cargo after my place.

I was sad because I was too hot to dance anymore. Poor me.

Micah fell down and went "boom".

I was angry at what I saw in Carl's collar.

Brooks was excited. He also later pulled his pants up to damn near his armpits and tried to woo an unwilling Korean girl into doing his rendition of the Steve Urkel dance. It was priceless.

One of the final pictures at about 4am. Our energy is amazing.

"America, Fuck Yeah!"

"Rape, hammer, whistle."

"What? You want summadis?"
I agree that we should do this again. Maybe next time we could have each place feature a different type of food and people could bring their own booze.
Either way, it was good clean fun.
Next time we should leave the city and go camping. Make it an all weekend thing. If not everyone is up for that, then let's do some kind of physical challenge, like a beer relay or something.
This is a freaking awesome idea, and I hope to do this in Tokyo sometime soon!
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