Tuesday, July 08, 2008

28 Days(or so) Later

It's been over a month since I've done anything on here and a combination of my own want to post something and some of my friends bitching at me has brought me back.

So what's been up this past month, Mike?

Well, lots of things actually. Some of which I cannot talk about at this moment since I've got to keep them on the low-low and other things I don't want to talk about because they are just damn right embarrassing.

I guess I'll start with the boring, and therefore neutral, aspects of my life this past month. Work has been pretty much the same as usual. As all of us who work are aware of, it becomes rather routine and dull sometimes and this last week or so just happened to be one of those times. I'm hoping things pick up soon and awaken my interest in this job again. That's not to say that I don't enjoy certain aspects of my job, because I do, but sometimes my brain stops functioning in automaton mode and I wonder what I'm doing here. Then I look in my wallet. Oh yeah, that's right.

Outside of work I've been going out a bit more (too much?) on the weekends lately and carousing with my friends. Perhaps its the summer bug but I can't keep myself in my apartment to save my life these days despite the fact that I have a veritable treasure trove of video games the average nerd would fellate donkeys for. This of course means I'm spending more money but I figure summer only lasts another 2 months so what the hell. I don't have any crystal clear plans on travelling anywhere special the next month or so but I'm hoping to hit the beach sometime soon and work on my tan. Sitting in the office all day has unfortunately reduced my skin color to Powder-like levels.

On the video game tip, I just beat MGS4 and it is possibly the most detailed game I have ever played. The visuals, set-up, action, almost everything was perfectly executed. Everything except the goddamn story line. Also, GTA4 has been making the rounds on my system whenever I feel like living vicariously through a murdering rapist who never pays the consequences.

Finally, for the embarrassing stuff. Well, I lost (had stolen) my I-Pod, Digital Camera, bookbag that I've had since high school, gym bag, new Jero CD, 5 comic books and 2 pairs of new glasses all in the span of 2 weeks. Could have been alcohol related. Just maybe.


The Expat said...

Do you have any plans to buy a new iPod? Do you at least have all of it in itunes?

Mike said...

Yes, I plan on getting an I-Pod Touch as soon as they come out with a version bigger than the current 32gig model.

I have all everything I lost on I-tunes fortunately so at least I won't have to bother putting all my cds back onto my hard drive again.

Anonymous said...

damn, your relationships with digital cameras seem to always be brief...such as the sage show pix you had on one of them..sorry to open up old sores....maybe your next camera should surgically be attached to your wrist or nuts.are u still planning to hit up da CHI next month??

Mike said...

Actually Marky-La, this last digital camera lasted over 3 years. Even though I was in the process of purchasing a camcorder to replace it, I must admit losing it was not part of my plan. Oh well.

And unfortunately, no, I won't be returning back to Chicago next month since I ultimately decided not to go through with taking the new job. This means I'll be coming back sometime in February next year. Details will be sent out through email.

Open Micah said...

Does anyone at your company know that you were hunting a different job?

Mike said...

Not except for a few choice people...