Monday, June 02, 2008

Japan again

Alright so I've been busy lately and haven't been able to update that much. It would be easy to say that I've actually been busy accomplishing something but that would a boldfaced lie.

In any case, I'll be loading up my pictures from the last few months pretty soon and try to get in a lengthy entry to catch the blog up with everything that has happened in the last month or so. However, since I'm actually heading out to Japan this Wednesday evening and won't be back until Sunday morning, it looks like that might have to wait till next week sometime the earliest though.

Pictures will be plentiful.


The Expat said...

Four things:

1) My blog title has changed

2) Where is your blog action?

3) I have a second blog now

4) We're going to Cargo on Saturday to watch Lee DJ

Mike said...

1) Your old blog title was better

2) The same place my sexual action is: non-existent

3) I noticed but I'm lazy at putting links on my bar

4) Apparently its next Saturday and yeah, tag me in

The Expat said...

1) This title is much better because there is no lame Seoul pun

2) Next Saturday it is

3) It's hot as shit

Mike said...

1) Funny how that is only lame to people who have been here for awhile. Probably cause we hear it way too damn much.

2) I agree, it is hot as shit.

The Expat said...

I liked it so much that I had three blog titles punning Seoul.