Tuesday, April 29, 2008

5-day weekend ideas?

So I have a 5-day weekend coming up here soon from May 1st until May 5th.

Originally I wanted to do a sneak visit out to Japan to surprise some people (surprise!) but because I realized I had to go to George’s wedding on that Sunday, I decided against it. Now that puts me in somewhat of a pickle, my dear readers, as now I have all this time off and nothing to do with it.

To compound my problems, I am one of the only people I know with this particular vacation and I have nobody to pal around with for that Wednesday night, Thursday and most of Friday. So I have really no solid plan on what to do.

What would be awesome is if people could give me some ideas on what to do. Especially during those first few weekdays I have off. My ideas are as follows, but you could always add some more:

1) Go around snapping pics of random parts of Seoul for the afternoon.
2) Take a train going anywhere (no Rush references, please)
3) Sit at home and gain valuable video game training.
4) Try to find a bar in the morning that is playing the NBA playoffs and catch up on some b-ball watching.
5) Catch some rays up on the roof while reading (the weather should be in the high 70s to early 80s)

I plan on hitting the gym in the morning everyday before I get into any of these activities mind you, but any ideas you could add would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance peeples.

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