Thursday, April 24, 2008

{Insert clever blog title}

Okay, so I’ve been busy at work and couldn’t update for the past blah, blah, blah. You’ve heard it all before so let’s skip the pleasantries and jump right into the meaty bits.

Work has been pretty great lately. Crazy time hours have dissipated for the most part (until mid-May anyways) and I’ve been spending more time hanging out with the peeps from work. I’m in a pretty good place career-wise and I like the current direction my company is going in. All in all, I guess I can say everything is copasetic (I love that word) as far as my career goes.

I’ve also got a 6 day vacation coming up in the beginning of May which should be relaxing. I was originally planning a visit to Japan but George had to have his wedding over that weekend so I guess I’m putting that off until the Grandmama goes out there sometime next month or June. My current plan is to go shooting around Seoul to take pictures of interesting stuff and hitting the gym with the fury in the afternoons while relaxing or screwing around with friends in the evening. In other words, it’s the recipe for the perfect vacation.

In other news, I went out to Pyongchang with everyone from work for our annual client service workshop on April 3rd and 4th. I also ended up being one of the people in charge of preparation so I got to spend a lot of time setting stuff up and making sure the entertainment was…entertaining. Essentially it was a long bus ride followed by some games followed by drinking, eating and more drinking, then a long bus ride back home. This is one of the reasons I love workshops here because when it comes down to it, it’s essentially going out someplace new to fuck around and get shitty mcgiggle-faced (shouts Chris).

Other than this stuff, nothing much has been going on. I’ve been rocking the video games only occasionally since the weather has gotten nice and it’s a waste to sit inside when I could be out enjoying spring. I haven’t been going to the gym as regularly as I would like but I’m still getting there 4 times or so a week and tearing into myself. I expect really good results by mid-June nonetheless.

This spring and summer look like they are going to kick some serious ass and I hope everyone else is looking at it with as much expectation and enthusiasm as me.

So what, dear readers, are your spring and summer plans?

The prep squad (including me) all wore the same white sweaters. We are here posing with the big bosses.

Me co-hosting the "Family Feud" game I made for part of the company entertainment. It ended up being quite different than the game I had originally envisioned, but it was really fun nonetheless.

Me doing one of my performances during the later part of the entertainment portion.

Putting some last minute preparation into the Family Feud game.

Our entire client service staff. I'm all the way on the right in like the 4th row.

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