Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Sweet Home Chicago Revisited

The last time I wrote about visiting home was when I first started this blog over a year ago.

A lot has changed since then but due to the brevity of this post, I will write about that in another entry.

Even though this trip home will only be about half as long as my last visit, I plan on making up for that by making sure everything I do has a purpose, is well thought out, and is meticulously executed. Either that or I’ll just do what I always do and wing it. No matter what happens though, I know I’ll have fun.

Lots of activities are planned and for the sake of me having a way to remember them, I shall list them here:

- Hang out with the Moms and Pops
- Visit Grandma in the hospital
- Have an early Thanksgiving dinner with the family and catch up with all of them
- Go to a Brazilian restaurant with my best friends and probably end the night laying around in a vat of our combined bile
- Hang around with sis
- Screw up my brothers room and mess with his stuff so he knows how I’ve felt for the last decade
- Go clothes/gift shopping
- Get my suits refitted (I’ve lost over 20 pounds since I bought them)
- Eat all of my favorite foods
- Make sure I’m running at least a few days a week because of the above reason
- Visit with my old boss and co-workers
- Try to meet as many friends as possible
- Play with the dogs
- See if Buddy Guy’s Legends is still around, and if so, go there
- A veritable cornucopia of other things

So that is my rough list of things to do. All of a sudden 12 days doesn’t seem like much anymore but I’ll do my best to get it all done and make sure I need a vacation from this vacation.

Until then, it’s all about the excitement of traveling back to my hometown.

I’ll see you soon Chicago. Hope you’ve missed me as much as I’ve missed you.

Now I got a plane to catch...

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