Thursday, November 29, 2007

And so shall it be

Okay, I will seriously get to posting about my trip home, complete with pictures, this weekend. I will also continue to play the “I was busy with work” card to justify my laziness because honestly, it’s the only card I have.

I will also follow that up with another post, once again complete with pictures, of Matt’s recent trip to Seoul.

What I will follow up with beyond that is actually the subject of this post.

Not to get into any further detail about the trip home because as I stated earlier, that will receive its own post, but while I was there I stumbled upon a portable external hard drive that I used to use to store things from my laptop back in ’03. I also found my old picture CDs from my trip to Japan. After bringing all that back with me and loading all the pictures, videos and whatnot onto my current desktop at home, I started to take the all too cliché trip down memory lane.

I have a juxtaposition of the last six years of my life in picture format to pore over and sort this weekend and I have to admit I’m kind of psyched about it.

Instead of just dumping all of that content into one, gigamegamongous post that would surely take weeks to create, I’ve decided that in the coming month (read: months) I will create several posts chronicling my journey over the past six years. I’ll start from the beginning, my trip to Japan, and post random pictures and try to dreg my mind for the remaining bits of memories that are still present.

As Matt said while he was here, that year in Japan changed a lot of people’s lives. After thinking about it, I would have to proudly include myself in that group. Who knows what my life would be like currently if I hadn’t taken that turn in the road. I guess the coming posts will help me remember myself as I was and also allow me to reflect on how things have changed.

I’m looking forward to it.

(Of course the recent home trip post comes first though…)

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