Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Week 3 Update

Well, despite how slowly the time seems like it has been going, it's almost time for me to get back to Korea. It has been a lot of fun spending time with friends and family. It's a shame that I can't spend more time here with everyone. Ah well, I will be back here next year to visit so I guess it's the time between that makes my visits that much more special. So, enough reminiscing, time for the weekly update.

If most of you didn't know, last week saw the much anticipated release of the latest addition to my favorite video game series, Final Fantasy. Needless to say, I spent much of my mornings the last week accumulating about 20 hours of game play on it. Since I now have my own copy however, I no longer feel the rush and eagerly look forward to spending some of my free time back in Korea playing this beautifully designed game. In other gaming news, PS3 and the Nintendo Wii will be coming out next week but it doesn't seem like anyone (at least anyone I know) will be able to get their hands on them until early next year.

You know you want to play with me

When I wasn't wasting my time at home playing video games, I actually went out and met some of my friends and did things. I also had a little family/friend get together at my house to put a cap on my three week adventure home. Friday night saw me meeting up with Ralph and going over to have a few at the local watering hole in Bolingbrook, Tailgaters. It was cool because I met some people there I haven't seen in awhile. Good times.

Me and my friend, Eric at Tailgaters

Even though Halloween is over and I spent arguably the most tame Halloween night in history here, it did have it's highlights. One of which was my two dogs, Colt and Bullet, dressed as Batman and Robin. Even though I am thoroughly sick of all of the fashionably inhumane things they do to dogs in Korea, I thought this was really cute. Plus, at least they didn't dye their fur or anything.

From the left, Colt and Bullet

My last Saturday night in Chicago saw me spending time with my father and my little sister, Patrice. It's been hard to maintain a working relationship with my sister since she is only 6 and I've spent more than half of that time living abroad. It was a good time and I realized that teaching children for as long as I did helped me learn patience when dealing with them. This was a revelation for me since I have never been the most patient person when it comes to dealing with children. So I guess my old job influenced me in more ways than just turning me into a raging alcoholic to fight the pain of being employed there.

Sunday was my little home party. Some members of my family and friends came over to eat, drink and be merry. My mother and grandmother collaborated on some excellent food and I drank myself into a stupor with my friends. It was a memorable night since my friends actually stayed at my house despite having to wake up at a quarter to five in the morning and go to work. It's all love homies.

All in all, I have had a great time out here. Spending time with everyone has been surreal and I really can't wait to get out here again next year and do this again. As I will be spending the remaining time here with family, I doubt I will have too many more pictures to share but we will see what happens. Until next time.

Here are a few pics:

Me and my uncle, Ray and Family

Me and my uncle, Jarry

Kitchen Party!!

Garage Party!!

Ralph's head floating in a zebra skin ocean

Fuck me? Noooo....fuck you!

1 comment:

Mike said...

I won't get into Incheon until 8:40pm so I probably won't hit Seoul until 10:30 or 11. I will give you a call when I am close. Probably meet you around Daechi Sagawri or something. See you soon Prick