Monday, November 20, 2006


As I type this I am sitting in my cubicle awaiting to see what my first Monday at work has in store for me. It seems I will have a few projects to work on this week which is refreshing to know considering I had absolutely dick to do last Thursday and Friday. I pretty much just sat here and looked over notes while occasionally sneaking out to have coffee. Overall the company seems really cool so far. Everyone is really friendly and I actually get to use my Korean pretty often. Today I need to sneak down to the HR department and see if I can get an advance on my first check because I am broke already. So much to do, so little time.

I moved into my new apartment this past Saturday. I guess my initial perception of the apartment was wrong because once I started getting things in there, it wasn't as small as I had previously thought.

The cool things about this apartment:
1) I have my own apartment again
2) It's in probably the biggest party area in Seoul, Hong-Dae
3) It's just been renovated so it's very clean
4) The layout is going to challenge my creativity for arranging apartments

The not so cool things about this apartment:
1) Until Sunday, I had no hot water or heat
2) It's in probably the biggest party area in Seoul, Hong-Dae (yes, it's a bad thing too)
3) It's far as hell from everyone I know
4) I have to furnish it still

I went out yesterday and in five trips managed to get it somewhat furnished though I am nowhere near completion. I bought a TV and converter (all night Final Fantasy sessions, here I come!). I also managed to get a humidifier and some other odds and ends around the kitchen. I guess I'm satisfied so far but I'm sure every weekend for the next couple months is going to involve me doing something for the apartment. Things I need to get include; a bed, curtains for the windows, a computer and computer desk, kitchen table and dishes, cool posters, a wine bar, and a stereo. This is by no means an exclusive list. I figure if I'm gonna be in this place for up to two years, I best pimp it out. I have the money now after all. I will be including pictures of the apartment as soon as I figure out how to get them on my work laptop.

That's it for now I suppose. As always, I will keep everyone updated.


The Expat said...

I'd like to see some pictures of the office. Dave likes men.

Mike said...

i will sometime this week. Dave likes men.