Monday, May 28, 2007

Stuff I have that is awesome, Part 1

There is no greater way of feeling accomplishment than by showing it off to everyone. Not as a means to make anyone jealous (wink wink) but just to feel "Hey, I have this thing that is cool and I'm awesome for it." So this is part one of the stuff I have that is awesome which will be dedicated to my cellphone.

More than likely this will be a two-part or so series since I don't have that much stuff that is really awesome. Part two will probably be about my PS3 and then I'll have to revert to pictures of my manga collection and finally, the hat rack I built this weekend. Anyways, here are a few pictures of my phone. It's a Samsung something or other and it set me back as much as my PS3 system did, but it is pretty awesome:

As you can see from the helpful note bubbles I attached, this phone does it all.

This is how it looks opened up. It is really skinny and has a lot of functions that you can't see without actually using the phone.

Here is one of the more attractive features (probably why I bought the damn thing). I get access to like 20 channels for $9 per month. It's really useful when I'm on the train or bus and don't have any comic books to read.

This has been part one of things I have that are awesome. Look forward to more in the future.

Also, without looking back through the post, do you remember how many times I used the word "awesome"? If you do, good job, you win absolutely nothing.


Anonymous said...

hey, i'm gonna be original and say that the blog was "AWESOME!!"

Doug said...


Unless you said "awesome" in your captions, in which case I can't read your tiny frickin font.

This has been another awesome comment by me.

Kyle said...

Can't get that in the states. I'd say you were lucky, but I'd be wrong. That shit was payed for through blood, sweat, and tears.. hopefully more so of the middle.

Well, by the time I finish college and land a sweet high paying job they'll have something much more kick ass at a cheaper price then whatever you paid for that. I can find solice in that at least.