Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Japan and back in 36 hours

I set out this past Saturday morning to meet my Grandmother and family in Japan for the weekend and even though the trip was only for a little over one day, I’m really glad I did it.

I set out at about 7am from my apartment and made it to my Aunt’s front door step about 6 hours later. After saying hello to everyone I hadn’t seen in awhile and introducing myself to my aunt Setsuko and her husband I sat down and began the rest of the day. I spent most of the time eating delicious food and drinking Asahi while catching up with everyone. So many people showed up that we had to make separate food tables in the different rooms of the house.

My uncle Yoshio was his usual jolly self and it was good to see that aunt Yoshiko hasn’t changed a bit in 4 years. Actually, the only people who seemed to change at all since I last met them were my cousins Kouta (who is my cousin Kyle’s Japanese twin) and Miki. All and all, everyone seemed to be in good health and spirits.

Speaking of spirits, I got to enjoy some really good Nihonshu that my aunt Toshiko’s husband brought over in a big jar. Top that off with the beer and sochu and I was having a good night. Of course my Grandmother was over my shoulder every other glass to remind me to “Have fun, but don’t get too drunk”. I guess I listened. (sorta)

After everyone left, I got to soak in the hot tub before I went to sleep.

In the morning, I ate breakfast and headed off to the local mall with my uncle Yoshio and cousin Kouta to look at some games and comic books. I grabbed a couple comic books and then we ate at a restaurant where I had an ice-cold Yebisu (my favorite beer in the world) straight from the tap. It was heavenly. After I got back, I had to pack and leave after taking a quick nap. After I said goodbye to everyone, I got on the plane and took my 7 hour trip back to my apartment, where I promptly showered and went to sleep.

Overall, despite the time limitation, it was really fun and I can’t wait to get out to Japan again.

Also, since pictures speak louder than any words could, here are a few choice snapshots of the trip.


This was everyone who was at the house that day with the exception of my cousin Makoto, who was taking the picture.

This was the spread that was there as I arrived. Trust me when I say this was just the beginning...

From left to right: My cousin Makoto, cousin Miki, aunt Yoshiko, uncle Yoshio, and aunt Setsuko

This was some sort of supersonic underwater tour boat. I actually have no idea if it can go underwater or not, but it sure looks like it can.

The view from the mall deck. It was a beautiful day, but the one thing you can't see in this picture are all of the jellyfish that were in the water. Awesome.

This was the Nihonshu we drank. It was really good.

This is my Grandmother with my cousin Kouta. I told you, Kyle's Japanese twin brother.

This was a random manga I happened to see at the mall. I wonder what it's about?

Finally, some funny English for you.


Anonymous said...

awesome ish Mike-san aka TUC, i hope to venture in Japan with ya someday......peace

Anonymous said...

The interesting thing of Kouto being Kyle's Japanese twin and being the same age is that both their names also begin with K.

Kyle said...

Damn.. I've heard stories, but this is the first time I've ever seen pictures of him. So the legends of my Japanese twin really are true.