Thursday, December 11, 2008

So I've been busy

I know I have a lot of photos and stories I am still behind on so I hope to get one or two of those out of the way this coming weekend when work dies down. I still haven't posted on my trip down to Muido and that happened like 3 months ago now. Jeez. I'll get on it soon, I promise.

So anyways, 2008 is almost over and I still can't believe how fast it went by. I guess my routine lately hasn't given me too much time to sit back and reflect on all that happened this year but I'm looking forward to two 4-day weekends coming up around Christmas so hopefully there will be some time then. I was planning on going home for Christmas but a combination of a horrible exchange rate and dickweed clients has made me put off my trip home yet again. This time I'm thinking I won't get home until April-ish.

Why April? Well, allow me to elucidate my fiendish plan for the first 1/3rd of 2009.

First, starting in January I will be attending Korean language courses in the evening during the weekdays. Since I haven't officially studied any Korean in over 2 years, I thought it was about time to finally get some sort of certification and actually improve my language abilities in ways besides bullshitting with co-workers and arguing with old guys. The program runs until the end of March and I'm hoping that it will at least bolster what I already know. We'll see I guess.

Second, my work schedule will remain the same for the most part with the exception of adding a couple clients and dropping a couple more. I probably won't see too much of a workload increase but I have been wrong before. 2009 is going to be all about managing time for work since I'll have to leave at 5:30 sharp every Monday, Tuesday and Thursday to get to classes on time and won't be able to work any of that wonderful, unpaid overtime on those days. I guess it just means I'll be making it up on the weekends behind my trusty little laptop. Yay.

On top of work and classes, I've also realized that if I want to continue exercising like I have been I'll have to switch from evenings to morning at the gym. This means I have to drag my tired ass out of bed at 6am sharp if I want to go at all. Considering the fact I have rarely gotten up before 7:30am this past 2 years, I guess I need to start working on that now. Damn.

Add to these three activities my ability to get sidetracked by things like reading, fooling around on the internet and occasionally throwing everything up in the air with a big "fuck it" and going out with friends, I'm in for a much busier lifestyle for the first three-four months of 2009.

Did I say I've been busy? Shit, I guess I'm just getting started.


Doug said...

I hear ya on the language study tip... been feeling sorta the same way about Japanese lately. I have a friend that was taking a class to study for JLPT and he's been here like 10 years, so that along with you really make me feel like hitting the books again myself after a 2-year hiatus.

Hope it works, and see ya in Feb!

The Expat said...

How's the schedule doing?

Mike said...

Not according to plan of course.

I cancelled the language classes when I found out I was going to have to take the same class I was in back in 06 due to some technicality. Basically told them to fuck off if they thought I was going to pay them money to go over stuff I mastered over 2 years ago. I now pass around a worksheet with new vocab and grammar to my teammates at work every week for them to correct.

The gym took a hit in January due to my finger mishap playing basketball and I'm just now starting to get back into it.

Work is actually not as bad as I thought it was going to be but thats mostly due to me being more efficient in my process and spending less time checking b-ball scores on yahoo (and responding to comments on my blog).

I remain optimisitic I'll step back into it more bullishly after I get back from Chicago at the end of the month.

How are you and the wifey doing?

The Expat said...

Working, drinking, sleeping. Repeat.

We're waiting until spring to resurface from our shell.