Monday, January 21, 2008

Peter Pan's ass is busy

Work has kicked it up a notch this last couple of weeks and I was averaging about 50-60 hours per week for the last month. It really wasn’t too bad because as long as I get time to get off to the gym and get home for a good night’s sleep it doesn’t bother me.

This past week was a different story though.

Altogether I ended up posting close to 80 hours, which included to 17 ½ hour shifts in a row and coming in on Sunday. As you can imagine, I’ve been pretty damn tired. Let’s just hope this was a random occurrence and I get back to my normal 50-60 hour weeks soon.

I honestly never thought I would look forward to a 50-60 hour work week and think, “You know, this isn’t that bad.” Oh, how the times have changed.

Other than that, I used my one day off this week to attend the wedding of my friends, Joel and HeeJung. They did an old style Korean wedding which was really nice and at the end I got to be one of the people who carried HeeJung around in her carriage after she officially tied the knot. After that we all got to sit down and enjoy a pretty good lunch which of course gave me the opportunity to burn some stress by hitting the soju bottle for a bit.

It’s weird to think of all of my friends who are getting married this year. Joel and Heejung are obviously the first, but come March my friend Jayce gets married, in May its George and in October its Dave’s turn. I feel like Chris O’Donnell in “The Bachelor” (title?) where all of the guys are running like wild steeds and the crew slowly gets picked off with lassos by the girls they eventually marry. It’s even funnier to think that none of these guys even had girlfriends a year ago. Oh, how the times are changing.

I also have my 27th birthday coming up in about a month. As I get closer and closer to passing over the threshold from the desirable 20s and turn into the guy who says he’s 29 until he’s 35, I’ve realized that I have in fact become a much wiser person. And of course with all of the wisdom these years have imparted on me, I’ve decided to ignore all of it and burn some cash and get myself an HDTV entertainment system to keep my PS3 company. Honestly, who cares about wisdom when you can hunt dinosaurs with guns in sweet, sweet HDTV greatness? Oh, how many things haven't changed.

“I won’t grow up….”


Anonymous said...

Well, there was another Wedding that happened this year though it was not one of your friends, and he was already married Anne in Civil, your Uncle Ray married Anne in Church on the 19th of January.

As far as birthdays. Once you hit 30 you really stop counting. Atleast I did. I guess that makes me 30 for the 13th year in a row.

Your blind Aunt.

Anonymous said...

You grow up? Sheah, right about the time I hang up the Spidey whities. ;P

I won't be looking for any wedding invitations from your direction for a good 5-10 years either I bet.

Life's too good here in Never-neverland.

My Kid's Mom said...

Hey Doug, He does not need any encouragement from you. I would like to have Grandchildren while I am still young enough to enjoy them. Oh, and no wise cracks about not needing to be married to have kids.

Mike said...

Too late, I'm encouraged.

I've seen the prospects for successful 30 year old guys and I have to say they are much better than the prospects of 20 or 25 year old guys. Of course I'm talking about the good looking 20 year old women.

Oh, and trust me, kids are quite the distance off for me. I'm not sharing my PS3 with anyone yet.

Doug said...

@Mike's mom: Well to put your mind at ease just a tad, statistics have shown that kids whose parents waited until their 30's to conceive are on average more edumacated and successful later in life. Probably has something to do with the 'rents being more financially stable at that point, not to mention that usually the more edumacated are the ones that wait to have kids.

So you may have to wait, but your grandkids may also be able to give you stock tips in middle school or something.

...I'm still not helping, am I. ;P

My Kid's Mom said...

See Michael, re Doug's post. I always told you that you were above average. I had you just after I turned 22 and look at how edumacated you are. And no Doug, still not helping.

Mike said...

You guys seem to be forgetting that the main point of the post was the fact I'm getting a huge HDTV to go with my PS3.

Don't you realize the impact that this event will have on the (my) world?

Economies may collapse, humanity may suffer, and the entire social order we have come accustomed to may wither away into nothingness but goddamn it I'll be able to shoot dinosaurs with guns.

Priorities people, priorities.

My Kid's Mom said...

Dinosaurs and it Peter Pan. This is not any different than when you were a kid at home living in your room on the video games. Do you need me to send you a HD cable to fit the PS3 or can you pick that up there? I do not even know if PS3 has been released there. BTW, you owe me an email.

Anonymous said...

don't rush into marriage just because you feel it's an obligation there "Peter Lo-Pan" can still be a baby's daddy...everyone's doing's the fad these days...ha...i would type more but my left fractured wrist from Guitar Hero has rendered me helpless!